90 seconds with…Jayne Fieldhouse, Partner, Head of Communications and Marketing at BlueBay Asset Management

interview marketing leaders

What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?

You grow by challenging yourself

Another piece of advice I follow: treat others how you want to be treated

What future opportunities do you think marketing and communications will create over the next five years?

Brand trust and corporate positioning are becoming more important across all industries, so the role of marketing and communications is becoming more prominent in this respect. In addition, technological advancement and increasing sophistication in targeting provide the infrastructure for marketing and communications to demonstrate their growing strategic value to a business. These developments can and should challenge traditional company management styles and drive the need for marketing and communications to be more broadly recognised as a C-suite and Board level role.

What is your most trusted news source?


What has had the most influential impact on your leadership career and why?

Coaching has helped me crystallise the type of person and leader I am and want to be. I also find it an invaluable sounding board, reality check, confidence boost and accountability checker for my own personal goals and performance.

What is your biggest takeaway from covid19?

Number one is the increased importance on work life balance and personal wellness. Secondly, collaboration and productivity in adverse circumstances has been incredible. Interestingly feedback to me has been that in many instances hierarchical barriers have been broken down.

How are you planning for 2021 and beyond?

The shift to a more virtual world has accelerated the requirements to resource around digital projects and ensure we have the right analytics in place. Targeting is also increasingly important and with a content lead strategy, there is a growing need to tailor across multiple, very specific audiences. The overlay to this is corporate positioning, particularly around ESG.

What career advice would you now give to yourself 10 years ago?

Focus on the journey and you’ll achieve your goal. Also, not to be afraid to speak up for yourself/your ability.

What’s the toughest interview question you’ve ever asked or been asked?

What’s the biggest mistake you have made at work?

Who is your business hero and why?

I don’t have a single business hero, but I take inspiration from multiple sources for different reasons. E.g. Elon Musk, despite opinions about his personality, is admirable from the perspective that he has really pushed boundaries. Others include Melinda Gates, Whitney Wolfe Herd (Bumble), Dame Michelle Mone (Ultimo), Anne Richards (Fidelity), Dame Inga Kristine Beale (previously CEO of Lloyds of London), Dame Vivian Hunt (McKinsey), Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway).

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