tml Partners recently hosted a roundtable session bringing together business development leaders from professional services firms, to discuss the interesting topic of client relationship management.
Read the full report here.
We were joined by Greg Bott, Director of AG Consulting who shared his insights from his doctoral study into the evolving role of a Client Relationship Partner (CRP).
Greg’s research primarily focused on the factors that affect the ability of CRPs to secure the commitment of peers when developing key client relationships. To examine this he carried out in-depth interviews with 31 CRPs from 12 City law firms.
Off the back of Greg’s research, there are four burning questions that professional services firms can address:
- How can we secure more predictable, profitable revenue streams from fewer client relationships to drive longer term value?
- How can we apply tools and process to analyse a client’s needs so that we can answer the question – ‘so how do you go about understanding me and my organisation’?
- How can we learn and embed the skills of effective client relationship management across our business?
- How do we engage and align all key stakeholders in a way that creates exceptional value for all?
The attendees joined in a lively debate which focused on what the challenges were for a partnership environment in managing ‘good’ client relationships and how they can transform the way in which firms approached the issue. A number of themes came out which are summarised in this report.
Read the full report here.